The Candy Collection

The Grand Experiment

Written by Richard Connorton | October 18, 2021

Why did a group of Amazon experts create a system that handles all Amazon Seller Support and FBA issues totally hassle-free?

This Seller Candy thing is cool...but why?
It's easy to see why many people ask that question. We entered a market where nobody was providing the same service as us, so there was no proof of concept and no pre-established best practice for operations. It could have been a lost cause from the start, but the data suggested otherwise.
With years of personal experience selling on Amazon FBA, both private label (PL) and online arbitrage (OA), the founders knew that dealing with Amazon seller support on a daily basis is a nightmare that a lot of sellers never seem to wake up from.
Now, they had the personal know-how and experience to deal with all of these things but they didn't know if others were in the same boat; especially people who were newer to the market.
But I'm jumping to the middle of the story. You're probably wondering what Seller Candy actually is. 
Put simply, we're a one-stop-problem-solving-shop. You give us outcomes - for example, my listing has been suspended, please get it back. We do all of the work until we get the solution you need. That means no sitting on hold for hours with the most inept arm of Amazon's services. One of the best reviews of Amazon Seller Central support I saw online was simply this; Sign up for ulcers. That says it all.
That's the real reason we exist. To take the pain away from Amazon sellers of all shapes and sizes, make sure their businesses are running as smooth as butter and let them go back to doing whatever it is they do to make more money. By changing the way you deal with day to day operations, you change your entire business.
So, that's the beginning of our story. We made something that we wished we'd had access to when we first started out so we never had to work out things like why images disappeared for no reason or why our products had simply vanished without a trace. 
But we did work it out. And we built a team packed with exactly the right kind of experience to get the job done for the hundreds of FBA sellers who use our services. We hired staff straight from Amazon teams and had them working with us, rather than against us. They know all of the loopholes. The back doors. The areas that can be exploited. The ways to speed things up.
But what problems can Seller Candy actually solve?
Well, if it's in Seller Central then we can handle it. There's nobody more qualified to deal with an Amazon employee that another Amazon employee. If we can't fix it, it's because it can't be fixed. Our staff have such deep knowledge of how to get things done, it's 9 times out of 10 that they give the Amazon agent the steps that have to follow to reach the solution rather than the other way around.
On top of that we've recovered well over $500,000 in rebates for our clients and that number is rising every day.
The worlds preeminent (and only) consulting detective, one Sherlock Holmes, turned his attention to 64 cases in his illustrious (albeit fictional) career. He managed to solve 60 of those cases, giving him a very respectable close rate of 93.75%. 
Seller Candy on the other hand have been involved in several thousand cases. Our close rate, you ask? 
If you take nothing else away from this post, take this. We solve more cases than Sherlock Holmes.