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How to Unlock Sales Success Using Non- PPC Promotions on Amazon

Ever found yourself caught up in a shopping frenzy on a Sale Day at the mall, picking up more items than you originally planned? 

As an Amazon seller, you can leverage a similar strategy to boost your sales and drive customer engagement. It's time to explore the world of Amazon promotions. 

Incorporating promotions into your selling strategies can turbocharge your business, helping you sell faster, increase visibility, improve organic rankings, and enhance your on-page conversion rate. 

By utilizing these marketing tactics, you can effectively differentiate yourself from competitors and secure higher rankings in search results.


What Are Amazon Promotions And How To Use Them?

Beyond traditional Pay-Per-Click (PPC) promotions, Amazon offers a range of powerful tools to promote your products. From enticing coupons and promo codes to time-limited lightning deals and promotional discounts, you have an array of options to captivate your audience and drive sales.

A coupon on your product can either be a percentage-off or a money-off. Either way, this strategy helps attract new customers and please existing ones.

On one hand, single-use promo codes are a promotion that drives traffic but helps you manage your inventory more efficiently, as customers can only use the promo code for one time use only. 

Lightning deal is one of the most popular features on Amazon. Products in this section offer discounts that only last four to six hours.

Lastly, there are many ways that promotional discounts are offered, such as a percentage-off discount, free shipping, or a Buy-One-Get-One promo.


Create Coupons in 5 Easy Steps!

It is easy for consumers to avail coupons when activated on your products as it appears on the product detail page, search results, and coupons page. Hence, it is one of the most effective ways to market your products.

It is easy to create coupons for your products! Just follow these steps:

Step 1. Access the Coupon Dashboard.

  1. Log in to your Seller Central Account
  2. Go to Home Page → Select the Advertising Tab → Click Coupons
  3. You will then be redirected to the Coupons Dashboard, where you can create your coupons.

Step 2. Add product(s) for your coupon.

  1. You may select "Create in Bulk" or "Create a New Coupon."
  2. Add the product you want your coupon to apply by entering either its SKU or ASIN → click the Go button.
  3. The product you listed will pop up below. Click Add to Coupon button to add that product to your coupon. You may add more products for that specific coupon by repeating Step 2.2.
  4. Once you have listed all your desired products, click Continue to next step button at the upper right corner of the dashboard.

Step 3. Set your budget and discount.

  1. Choose between Money Off or Percentage Off. Depending on which, you will be asked to specify the amount or the percentage of discount you want to apply.
  2. Specify whether you want to limit the redemption of your coupon to 1 per customer. Limiting it to one per customer means each customer can redeem the coupon only once.
  3. Set the budget for your coupon by entering the amount in the Budget field. This is the capped amount of how much you are willing to spend per coupon.
  4. Click Continue to next step on the upper right corner of the dashboard.

NOTE: It is important to be aware that in setting up a budget, there are two costs that you need to consider: the USD equivalent of the discount you are offering and the redemption fee ($0.60) charged by Amazon. These costs should align with the budget that you indicated.

Step 4. Provide a title, target group, and schedule for your coupon.

  1. Enter the title of the coupon. This title is what the customers will see and should accurately describe the product that you added.
  2. Select which customer group you would like to target.
  3. Set a schedule for your coupon. Enter a duration between 1-90 days.
  4. Click Continue to next step on the upper right corner of the dashboard.

Step 5. Review and submit.

  1. Review all the details and selections you entered for the coupon. You may also see the preview of the coupon's appearance when listed.
  2. Once all set, click Submit a coupon.

Congratulations, you just made a coupon! Amazon will quickly review your coupon application and approve or reject it. You can also reach out to experts to assist you in doing these steps. 

Promote your coupons! To get the most out of it, you should promote your coupons. While it is already helpful that your vouchers will appear in the search results, the Coupons home page, and in customers' carts, advertising your coupon in different channels will surely help you reach more customers. You may run Sponsored Product ads or promote your coupon on social media.


Creating Single-Use Promo Codes

While coupons are amazing in alluring customers and generating sales, it will be quick before you notice that your inventory is gone and that your product sold out unexpectedly faster when the promotions are done right.

It truly is good news for you to have your products sold out, but you would not want your products to be listed as 'unavailable' when you have driven high traffic to your page.

That is why setting up a single-use promo code is vital to prevent inventory problems. This can be done after you have set up your promotion of choice in your Seller Central account.

Follow the following steps to create a single-use promo code.

Step 1. Create a promotion.

  1. Login to your Seller Central Account.
  2. Click on Advertising → Select Promotions
  3. Create a Percentage Off promotion.

Step 2. Accomplish all details of your promotion.

  1. Begin by setting the conditions:
    1. Buyer purchases – Select “At least this quantity of items” → Enter 1 as the amount
    2. Purchased items – Select the product you are promoting
    3. Buyer gets – Select “Percent off” → Enter the percentage amount
    4. Applies to – Select “Purchased items”
  2. Decide on the schedule by choosing a start and end date. You will also be asked to enter the internal description of the product and the tracking ID.
  3. Select additional options and enter the following:
    1. Claim Code – “Single Use”
    2. Enable “One redemption per customer”
    3. Claim Code Combinability – Select between "Preferential," "Unrestricted," or "Exclusive"
  4. Click Submit.

Step 3. Manage your claim codes.

  1. Under the Promotions tab, select "Manage claim codes."
  2. Enter a Group Name, preferably the same as the internal description.
  3. Enter the number of promotion codes to create.
  4. Click “Create” and wait for the claim code to process.
  5. When the status indicates Ready, then you may click Download. This will download a text file with a batch of single-use coupons.

Step 4. Upload the file into your coupon delivery tool, or give them away individually!

Amazon Promotions

Percentage Off demonstrated in the step-by-step guide to making a single-use promo code is just one of Amazon promotion offers. With this promotion, customers can enjoy a percentage off their purchase and opt for tiered discounts.

Another promotion offered is the Buy-One-Get-One, which is ideal for new products as it attracts new customers. It can also be beneficial when you are trying to sell out the products in your inventory.

Free Shipping is a limited-time offer that customers can avail of if they purchase a certain quantity of items or spend a certain amount.

Lastly, the Social Media Promo Code is a promotion discount where the sellers create a custom promo code and receive a unique marketing page they can share with customers, particularly on social media pages.

The steps to creating a promotion in Amazon are the same as those in Creating Single-Use Promo Codes, except that in Step 1.3, you will select whichever you would like to apply to your products.

How To Run Your Promotions Efficiently

These promotions will work best if the right marketing strategies are implemented altogether. It includes optimizing your product listings and branding. Some of these strategies are targeting specific customer groups, using compelling product images and descriptions, and monitoring the results of your promotions.

A definite target audience is essential to selling effectively on Amazon. With the large pool of products, putting yourself in all the baskets will likely make you less favored. Using the right keywords, inputting the proper categories for your products, and incorporating appropriate marketing strategies are some of the best ways to do this.

Using eye-catching product images and compelling descriptions can dramatically affect your clicks. Consumers primarily focus on the visual and descriptive features of the product, and this is how they set their expectations. So, not only should this information be appealing, but it should also be an accurate representation of your product.

Amazon requires a minimum of 1,000 pixels for its product images, and you can upload up to nine photos. It would be best if you took this opportunity to show your product from all angles or elaborate more information (e.g., dimensions, colors, etc.) about it.

Above all, you should have a keen eye on monitoring your product performance. Check to see if the keywords that you have put are responding well to the market. Constantly read the feedback or reviews of your customers and see if there are any more opportunities to improve. 

Also, do a regular audit and see which of your marketing strategies were effective and which were not. Doing this will allow you to adapt and make positive changes for your brand.

You can also reach out to experts to make sure you’ve set up everything correctly. 


Get Maximized Results With Your Promotions

In a highly competitive space like Amazon, making your mark in the market takes layers and layers of effort. You can gain advantage against competitors by executing the right promotional strategies. After creating your promotions, the most intelligent way to do this is to leverage Amazon Advertising features, such as Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Displays.

Sponsored Products are the most common Amazon Advertising feature among the three. By implementing this, your product appears in the search results and product detail pages. As a seller, you can set which customer group you want to target by sending these ads, yielding a more significant outcome.

Showing up as an organic search result increases the chance of being clicked. If so, then the customer will be redirected to the product page. In turn, Amazon will charge you based on the number of clicks you can get from the ad space.

With Sponsored Brands, you can feature your logo, custom headline, and up to three products if you are a brand-registered seller. It is much more beneficial for the brand as a whole, more than the product that you are running promotions with.

Like Sponsored Products, these appear in the first column of the header in the search results, which will redirect to your store’s landing page when clicked by customers.

Lastly, Sponsored Display ads focus more on increasing the impressions of your product listings. You will be able to reach a specific audience with these self-service ads. You can place these ads on other third-party apps and websites.

Final Thoughts

You can maximize the game-changing potential of non-PPC promotions to drive faster sales, enhance exposure, and improve organic rankings on Amazon. 

By incorporating strategic promotions, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and secure higher search result rankings.

You can explore an array of effective promotion strategies, including coupons, promo codes, lightning deals, and discounts, to propel your products to success. Additionally, leverage Amazon's Buy-One-Get-One promo, Percentage/Money Off, Free Shipping, and Social Media Promo Codes for increased sales and impressions.

To optimize results, complement your non-PPC promotions with targeted customer segmentation, captivating product visuals and descriptions, and diligent monitoring of campaign performance. Amplify these efforts further by utilizing Amazon marketing tools such as Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Displays.

By leveraging these promotional strategies, you can generate traffic, increase sales, and build a strong brand presence on Amazon. 

Talk to our team of experts and unlock the full potential of your business today!

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