The Candy Collection

How to Engage with Amazon Lowstar Review Customers and Create Amazon Appeals

Written by ZonSupport | August 29, 2024

Managing lowstar reviews is always a hot topic, and Amazon provides clear pathways for this. However, sellers often miss a hidden opportunity within Amazon’s process to engage with these customers direct.

If you consider yourself an expert on managing lowstar reviews, scroll down to The Hidden Step below to make sure you are across. Further down, you’ll also learn how to report and appeal lowstar reviews.

1. Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry

You need to be enrolled in Brand Registry for access to contact your lowstar review customers. Here’s the navigation in case you’re new to this. Log into your Seller Central account and click the top left on the three horizontal bars. 

Scroll down to Customers/Customer Reviews.

You will then see all your reviews. Note you can sort them in various ways if you wish

2. Use Amazon Generated Template to Contact Customers

Most reviews have the option to contact the customer using an Amazon generated template. If the customer has opted out of messages, or it’s a 4 or 5 star review, this is not available.



We always send the Customer support option, but if this is not available, just use the Courtesy refund template. 


3. The Hidden Step

Now to the hidden step mentioned above. Go straight to your sent messages and not only can you confirm the template was sent, but you get visibility of their order details. Check these first:


Is this their first purchase? 

Have they already been refunded by Amazon? 

Has Amazon already sent a replacement?


This info may help you personalize your message even more. 


Now jump in behind the template and send the customer a personal follow up!

We send a message even if Amazon has already refunded the customer. Why? If you can just get a response from an unhappy customer, you’re halfway to getting their review upgraded or removed. 


We know that customers are far more likely to respond to a personal message than an Amazon template, so the key is to send this message right behind the Amazon template.


Here are two examples of how you can try to get some engagement going.


If you sent the Courtesy Refund template and Amazon has not already refunded: I am so sorry to read that your <product name> was <talk about their specific issue>. Can I send you a replacement, or do you prefer a refund?


We even send this template if they have already replied “Refund.” Why not! You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying to get the customer onside. Just tweak it and ask, “...would you prefer a replacement?”


If Amazon has already refunded: I am so sorry to read that your <product name> was <talk about their specific issue>. Your refund has already been processed. I would really appreciate it if you could let me know what was wrong, and I hope to hear back from you.


Of course, both of these messages should be wrapped up in more personalization, but these are the core messages you want to get across.


Never offer a complete solution during these initial follow-ups. You really want to get some engagement going and show you are genuinely interested in resolving their issue. We would never ask them for their address details, for example. That will be in your follow up email if they reply.


Not convinced? Here’s proof…



Most reviews are written in frustration, anger, or disappointment. We all know this.


Make sure you follow up with every lowstar review you can. A positive, encouraging tone is vital so don’t be defensive, even if you believe what they have written is completely wrong or unfair.You only objective is to get some engagement going to try and turn their lowstar review around.


We always run this process even if we think we may have grounds for an Amazon appeal. Start with the customer and move on to the next step if you don’t get a response. 


4. Report A Review+

If  you believe you may be able to appeal to Amazon for it’s removal, there are very clear appeal processes you can follow. 


Make sure you are very familiar with the grounds that Amazon will consider a review. Take time to read through their Community Guidelines so you are very sure of yor ground.


We use AI in the background to help us analyze lowstar reviews and look for areas of appeal. However, in the ‘old days’ we used to run the very manual process detailed in the next steps. Sure, it takes a lot of time, but getting a lowstar review removed can have a huge impact on your sales. 


First, make sure you are logged into your Seller Central account. Then navigate to the review and click the Report option below the review. This popup will then appear:



Select the best option and click Submit.


Check the email you used to login to your Seller Central account, and you will see a confirmation email. Diary a reminder for 5 business days to check if the review is still there. High Five if it has disappeared!


5. Lowstar Review Appeal

Is the lowstar still there? Email with zero emotion. You are engaging with their process, not venting at how unfair or unjust this review may be. Include key data and links. Amazon support staff do not necessarily have access to links, so always provide both.

  • Review Date and link
  • Reviewer Name and link
  • Comment on which specific review guideline this review violates. If it is a word or a few in the entire text, write them out and state the violation.
  • Close with a clear request to remove the review, reinforcing why, and mentioning your concern to ensure a good customer experience for Amazon customers.

Don’t expect anyone reviewing your email to spend time reading the review and working out the issue. Be precise, just like a surgeon. Exactly what word or words are the issue. Remember, there will be an overlay of AI in the Amazon process if it’s not already at 100%.


You are unlikely to get a response to this email. Just watch your bounce backs in case.


6. Your Last Resort - Seller Performance

There is another way we have found that can help, but only when it’s clear that black hat activity is happening or something more than just a disgruntled customer. Email


If any appeal is a ‘maybe’, we will never consider sending it to Seller Performance. Have faith in the system that you reported the review and also appealed through Communities. 


You really need to be very sure before you try to engage with Seller Performance. Yes, they log all activity, and if they see time-wasting appeals, the one you send that is a slam dunk for removal may not be read.

Once again, this has to be a very clear and precise appeal. As mentioned, we use AI to help us, but our team carefully reviews all appeal data. All our appeals are manually written to ensure any Amazon scanning does not sideline our appeal emails as bot generated. 


Now, you have all the DIY steps to engage with your lowstar review customers as well as create compelling Amazon appeals. Time consuming yes but a real priority! Reach out to our partner ZonSupport to explore how they can help you.


Greg Reynolds is the Founder/CEO of ZonSupport. His team consists of US-based native English speakers getting your customers onside and resolving problems as only a local can. You have a dedicated Account Manager who looks after your account along with a Support Manager providing cover for when they're away. No need to recruit and train a VA and then have to work out what to do when they're away - or leave! Total peace of mind, 365 days a year!